Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I'm gonna go off on a Maryland High School rant. Outside of Maryland, does anyone know about the level of play here in Anne Arundel county Maryland, the Annapolis area? It is very high if you do not know, on par with the LI scene. Well, here in AACo, there is a school named Severna Park. Their girls team has a lot of state championships, because they are good and...seem to get preferential treatment. I know it happens everywhere, to a lot of teams, but that doesn't make it right. Their biggest rival on a local level and state level is South River, another powerful program. Well, last Friday night, Severna Park beat South River 14-9. Close, very competitive game. Tied several times, with runs by each team. Severna Park played great as usual, and South River was no push-over. But, here is where I have a problem: the refs. South River received two YC's...one legit and one a complete freakin' mystery. On those two YC's, Severna Park scored 7 goals, to their credit. They took advantage of the cards. But, they seemed to play as aggressively or more aggressively as South River did, and received no YC's, even though they hit one of the South River players in the nose with a stick hard enough to bloody her nose enough to stop play. How did the "refs" miss that, especially with evidence staring them in the face? And, a left-handed South River player was moving the ball down the left sideline near midfield, with a right-handed Severna Park trailing her, on the right shoulder of the South River player. The Severna Park reached across the front of the South River player to check the ball. She did it, close enough to almost hit the South River player in the face, and knocked the ball out of bounds. The "ref" awarded the ball to Severna Park. It happened right in front of the stands and when the fans yelled at the "ref" she turned around and admonished the fans. These fans are VERY knowledgable lax fans, and they all knew it should've been an infraction. The second YC is a mystery too. A South River player was shadowing a Severna Park across the middle of the field, both barely jogging. "Ref" blows whistle and call YC on South River. Nobody knew why. When the "ref" was asked what the call was, he said he saw the South River player touch the butt of the stick of the Severna Park player with her stick. Huh? Man, I know it's technically a foul, but a YC?! And, if it's really a YC, EVERY play down the field would have a YC called because I guarantee that the butt end of every stick gets touched on every play.
The bottom line is, Severna Park is "that" school here in AACo and ALL of the other schools can't figure out why. They're not the most affluent, or the prettiest area, or anything. Just a regular suburban area. The game last Friday was the last straw as far as I'm concerned. Anyone else experience crap like this? Thanks for listening.

I am sorry I lost you at I'm gonna...could you please repeat that?

I know, I just had to vent a little. I didn't expect anyone to read it all. [lacrosse], I don't want to type it all again either.