Originally Posted by Anonymous
It is true, the refs are letting the more dangerous teams win. When the dodger (my daughter) gets knocked in the head, the refs blow the whistle and have the culprit go behind her. The problem is 5 other girls get back on defense and kill the origional dodge to the goal, not to mention the welt on her face. Port Washington wacked my girl countless times all over and never got 1 yellow card! Does someone there know the refs?...yes. Girls lacrosse should have a play on when there is a minor foul and there should be 1 minute penalties issued when a girl plays dirty, not just get behind while her teamates advance on defense. I'm going to get to some girls lax meetings to help smarten up the game.

Your daughter should not be barreling into defenders and hoping to be rewarded for bad play by the refs with a free position. Please. That's the problem with girls lacrosse. if refs called charging more often it would protect offensive and defensive players........Dad....pass the ball