Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Who cares how many goals one kid scores, missing the point. Point is in Huntington we have a one girl goal leader but that doesn't get you anywhere. We are out of any playoff looks. That is directly linked to our coaching. Not our players. Coaches putting on a 10 th grader with zero stick, can't shot left or right or catch. She's on 100percent of the time. It's crazy the lack of knowledge that they lack on skill level. Move the jv coaches up and you will probably see a winning team.

see what happened... KW was run out of town because of a reason NO ONE KNOWS and now you have two coaches who by all accounts should not be coaching varsity players. No disrespect to them but they are so out of the element in terms of knowledge of the game that its embarrassing. its a two man team in Huntington and you just can not win with that type of play at this level. Not on LI, maybe in the mid west that would work but the level of talent these girls have here on LI is crazy. All teams need capable coaching. Or they will belly up. I think the coaches we have now were probably not in to taking the job in the first place.

You know as an outsider, I followed the Huntington posts last year and everyone demanded a change. The aqusations were flying all over about ties to clubs, favoritism, playing time even bullying and you ran a qualified coach out of town. Now it would appear you got exactly what you asked for and your program is a mess. I would also venture a guess that no qualified coach would touch your program with a 10ft pole after what happened last year so they found someone to take the job that probably could care less. It's a shame.