Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
How about Fusion Futures looking quite ordinary against a good team when their high schoolers aren't allowed to play?
Did you mean against a good team with great outsiders helping them? If you can’t do it with yours, don’t bother!! That’s why this tournament doesn’t mean anything to those that matter.

Originally Posted by Anonymous
I love when Dad’s are so mad their son’s team lost, they start yelling the tournament is meaningless.
Well, your Fusion “stars” just got handled in a meaningless tournament…gotta sting

Their stars couldn't make it due to the age rules. It's amazing what teams look like when playing on-age (September 1and later). I will give them credit for showing up though, unlike the HoCo teams who are too busy hiding behind their elite regional league to bother representing the east. I guess everyone tries to protect their fiefdom in their own way.

So tell WS organizers to coordinate with HoCo on dates, and hold the WS qualifiers the weekend before. Why is that so hard?!? Stop blaming the HoCo teams and saying they are hiding, it’s a scheduling conflict simple as that (and starting next year the ‘30 have very little holdback situations occurring with the new age guidelines being enforced across HoCo and other tourneys). HoCo is the best Spring league with the top 4-5 teams in the Elite division are typically in the top 20 teams in the country. Every game counts, so of course HoCo teams are going to prioritize that. True Chesapeake had a bye because they asked for it, but Hawks, Madlax, Crabs, NL all can’t get bye’s the same weekend. All these teams practice through the winter and early Spring, they are itching to play games. Have WS qualifiers the weekend after Spring Thaw or NL invitational.

What LI and NE teams don’t understand is we like playing you guys because we get sick of playing each other (Baltimore, DMV). We all complain about the traffic coming up to NY and you guys complain coming here (I-95 sux) but it’s the best lacrosse in the country in tournaments we have LI/NE teams playing DMV/Baltimore teams. It’s the tourney organizers that need to understand this, especially for the top 20-25 teams in the country.