Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I had this conversation with my son over the holiday. He is 100% on board with reclassing. He loves lacrosse. He loves winning. He wants to go D1. He loves this idea. Listen, it's not for everybody. You and your entire family need to be ready to do this. Otherwise it will not work.


HAHA if you really believed iron sharpens iron you would have him competing with kids his own age because that is the bigger challenge.

You may laugh, but he is right. Your chances of going D1 increase if you hold your son back. Most players on elite are above average at best, ( to all you delusional parents, there is the rare truly elite so I am not talking to you ! ) .

Hold him back and he becomes at the top of above average players with increased chances to play D! . Sorry Folks , it works.
Terrible way to look at life.

Just being real , nothing to do with looking at life.