How are tryouts going around Maryland / DMV area?? From what I've seen / heard.........

-Preds 2029 had over 65+ kids the first night and are moving forward with 2 teams. Lots of True Baltimore Helmets....a few FCA....a few 91.
-True 2029 Baltimore seems to be combining and having an outbreak of players leaving. Looks like 1 weaker team.
-True 2029 Chesapeake picked up several top players from VLC. Sounds like several former players were blindsided and are looking for homes.
-FCA had over 60+ kids on the first night....lots of 91 helmets....a couple LTLC....a couple True Chesapeake....a couple Team Money. Will be interesting if they pursue 2 teams.
-Team 91 helmets have been all over the map. Will be interesting to see how many people leave the program.
-Crabs 2029 / LTLC 2029 had 25-30 kids...with several True Baltimore helmets mixed in with the Crabs helmets