Playoff Standings (5/1/23)
1. Next Level (Holds Tiebreaker over Hawks with win)
2. Hawks (Holds Tiebreaker over True with win)
3. True
4. LTLC (Holds tiebreaker over Madlax with win)
5. Madlax
6. FCA

*Next Level plays (VLC / LTLC)....will be interesting to see what LTLC they get after the MADLAX upset?
**Hawks plays (91 / True)....predicting both wins....but True is talented
***True (LTLC / Hawks)....predicting one win....but again which LTLC do they get? Also are they going to schedule the True vs. Madlax game that was missed due to players playing in WSL qualifier?
****LTLC (True / NL)...a week ago would have predicted 0-2. I could see them picking up one win here.
*****Madlax (FCA / 91)....which Madlax team will we see vs. FCA? Predicting they win both.
******FCA (Madlax / VLC)....which Madlax team will show up this week? They had two 1-goal losses to NL and know they will play them tough. If somehow they can win out they would have tie breaker over LTLC.

Should be an interesting finish. Huge games this week (LTLC vs TRUE) and (MADLAX vs FCA) should provide more clarity.