I think the lack of respect that holdbacks and reclasses get from parents and their teammates is more than enough punishement. The reclasses that are on my son's team usually get an eye roll when their parents go spastic when they do something well on the field. Its different if you hold your kid back in elementary school/pre-k because of emotional/social immaturity. But these parents who have their kids repeating 8th grade at a different school all in the name of being at the top of the class..can't say i don't smile on the inside when they get schooled by a kid who is playing on age, or roll an ankle. Petty? maybe. Do I care? no. I think I'm saying what a lot of ppl think.
I think the lack of respect that holdbacks and reclasses get from parents and their teammates is more than enough punishement. The reclasses that are on my son's team usually get an eye roll when their parents go spastic when they do something well on the field. Its different if you hold your kid back in elementary school/pre-k because of emotional/social immaturity. But these parents who have their kids repeating 8th grade at a different school all in the name of being at the top of the class..can't say i don't smile on the inside when they get schooled by a kid who is playing on age, or roll an ankle. Petty? maybe. Do I care? no. I think I'm saying what a lot of ppl think.