Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous

You ask this question everyday.. Why are you so desperate to see those rosters? everyone that's on the teams know who they are. You asking everyday is not going to make them post them any quicker. Whenever they're final, they will be up with all the others. Now please go on and find something to occupy your time to not keep going crazy over a roster.

Maybe the rosters impact his/her child ...any parent would want to know where their child stands so thatvthey can weigh their options. No need to be so mean.

Thank you. Some people obviously have miserable lives and are mea n by nature. No reason for nasy comments when a simple question was asked. And practice was not indicitive of how many or who was on team as many girls were playing soccer. So to the nasty know it all-how many were at practuce? [/quote]

My kids have been on TG for many years and whenever I have had a question about anything to do with TG I have called Bill. Not once has he not returned my call. The last place you want to go for correct information is on this board. Call bill he will be happy to answer all of your questions about the 2017 rosters. It may not be what you want to hear but it is what it is.