Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
What i think is most pathetic about the TG club is how much the parents kiss up to BS. Was at the Hofstra game today and watched a TG parent walk past BS 4 times in hopes that he would see them. Could not have been more obvious. Then I heard another parent say "I may go over and say hi but not sure if he knows who my daughter is". I mean really? How old are you people? How sad and pathetic can you all be? My daughter was laughing when she heard and saw the actions and discussions from the parents. The kids were not even watching the game and were walking around. I mean if you are going to take time to take your kid to a game make it a learning experience. DOnt go just so SS or BS will see you and try and kiss up to them. If your daughter is good, she will be noticed - bottom line.

Agree. If BS was a real coach/director he would have sat with the kids and used the game as a teaching moment. We know that is not how that works.

MOre people kiss up to CR drink her koolaid, do her clinics go to her husbands gym for exactly the same reasons trying to move from yellow to blue. In all programs it should be if you are good enough but we all know politics are rampant