Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
M&D 16 TG 2020 6. My how the mighty have fallen.

Come back and pound your chest when you can beat M&D, TLC Red, Steps and your own B team (who beat Steps after curcio lost to them)- the fact that you lose to all these teams is why the TG kids and daddy are there, they will lead you to the promised land, all hail the conquering heroes!

The reason the TG kids and Daddy are at YJ is because they realized your team is based on one kid and that will not be successful for long . Those players and parents also knew they no longer wanted to be associated with losers like you and they decided they did not want their kids going to Hofstra , the school that the most TG kids go to.

It would have been all good if it was their kid...