Originally Posted by Anonymous
I’m thinking PrimeTime parents should’ve waited til after NAL to shoot their mouths off, Lolol. That’s not even the challenging NAL tourney! Yikes.
Keep hittin that wall, PT

I don't think anyone made any bold statements but if you were made to feel foolish about your post complaining re the hosts and the weather and the Illuminati at the last tournament because the results weren't to your liking, sir, I do apologize. Our kids will do their thing, and be predictably unpredictable, and while we think our 12 year olds did well and tried their best, I do appreciate you running to the tourney app to check on scores of another 12 year old team and tournament with which you have no affiliation, just so you can run right back to this forum and weigh in (no matter what anyone tells you, it's very chill & cool).

I'm going to tap out here because I know when I've met my match, but PLEASE don't let it stop you from your regular mocking of 12 year old teams, complaining about rosters and holdbacks and other teams which are not your own on Long Island, introducing conspiracy theories re cheating, etc etc; your work here is crucial if we are ever going to get to the bottom of your deep rooted psychological problems...er, I mean, what's wrong with youth lacrosse.

Look, you and this forum is everything that's good about youth sports, and I'm glad I found it. And while I don't know you personally, I bet everyone on the sidelines is impressed with your knowledge of the game, its rules, and how it should be played, especially the refs and your team's coaches, and without a doubt, the players, who wait for your shouted instructions on how they can improve instantly. All that said, I hope the rest of your season and summer is filled with happiness... Enjoy!