Yes that's exactly what happened...the masterminds at Prime Time figured out long before the tournament their 12 year olds, always so predictable, were going to go 4-0 on Saturday, as they were the only team playing all 4 games straight in the heat (climate change and this particular heat dome was ordered directly by Prime Time for this tournament!) almost every hour from 8-1:30, while making the other teams play only 3 games. But then! If everything went according to their devious plan, whoever their warmed-up opponents on Sunday were, the hosts, emerging from their cryo chambers, and in no way tired from playing the same exact number of games, would use this massive advantage they earned fair and square--and that every team had the same chance to earn, to crush that team from the #2-#3 game.


And to make it even more believable, PT allowed other teams win in other age groups, so it looked "good". Wait until you see how Prime Time plans to interfere in the election this fall and have their 2030s boys team elected president...wait, sorry, I've said too much.

There's nothing that says "summer" quite like lacrosse parents creating conspiracy theories, whining and crying about losing youth lacrosse tournaments. Quilting, gardening, and biking are just some of the suggested hobbies for grown adults, and I don't think Prime Time has 2030 teams in any of them, so you're safe...for now!