Originally Posted by Anonymous
those 3 and 3 coaches kids. everything bad comes in 3s ha.. . your god son better off. express had studs on bench picking daisies each time we played them. coaches sons dont leave the field. parents are crazy if they stay there coaches kids always win. do what’s right for your kid and return the calls your getting dad ..

Sounds like a sour grapes parent from express here ...you're not really fooling anyone . How would you know that express had " studs" on the bench . I'm figuring your son didn't get a lot of playing time and you're lashing out . If you're not happy then leave , pretty simple . But don't try telling other people what to do . I'm guessing you're one of the club hoppers anyways, you'll bounce around to another club and won't get playing time there either . Perhaps try another sport for your kid ?