Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Yet Long Island manage to dominate every world series of lacrosse at the 8th grade level, when the rules require you to submit proof of a certain age.
what does that tell you???

Originally Posted by Anonymous
Don't fare well south of Pa.

Please explain the WS of lacrosse issue? Again, I am new to lacrosse, not stirring crap up. Is it a issue with people cheating, or lacrosse using graduation year for teams now?

It's the Wild West. Nothing is enforced except at the World Series of Youth Lacrosse where there are enforced age restrictions. Tournaments are grade based, shady parents hold their kids back up to two years to get an edge or in the case of Express, actually bring down kids from older grades to play on younger teams. Even with grade based tournaments, no one actually checks what grade the players are in.

The whole thing is a disgusting sham. Fortunately, my kid is a good player and holdbacks and other cheaters don't affect us. It doesn't make it any less gross.