Hilarious. Teams are changing and morphing every year. Everyone will see how Legacy does this year in 2026. Yeah, I know.. they beat everyone, blah blah blah.. end this now, and revisit it in June. Forget last year. Mooselax, LILC, S2S, Outlaws, Roar.. whoever they play, just let it play out.. Legacy likely won’t be better than all those teams.. but that’s why they play the games!

Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
They just played in October and lost badly to 91 and to BBL, and beat the igloo B team 5-3,, you think that makes them the number 4 team in 2026. I would say that you need to beat people to put yourself up there. November you beat a team from new hampshire who didnt win a game,

nobody can even see any games that were played they are so inactive to say that they are 4 is a joke, you have to play people and be out there to talk

Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Dont mean this to pile on. And we certainly will be able to see this once some of the more local spring tournaments are held. I really dont see Legacy 2026 as that top club outside the top 3. I really do think there will be clubs that beat them.

Like who? Has anyone else beat them? Please stop with the nonsense.

Why don't you answer the question and stop with the nonsense. Who is beating them? Shore2Shore? Beat them soundly every time. Turtles? Beat them. rebels, Rebels? Beat them. Empire hides in B brackets. Lost to Express with half a team and no goalie by 2 in Box. What the heck you mean by inactive? We get it, your the same guy that keeps this alive by posting and answering your own posts. He got cut from Legacy. Move on bro!