Originally Posted by Anonymous

Originally Posted by Anonymous

Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
[quote=Anonymous]The new faceoff middie we added to Madlax 24 is 6'1" and played last year for Madlax 2023 Dc Dogs. He is one of 5 reclass kids we added to an already stacked Madlax 24 team.

Eat it, LI! LOL.[/quote

That's all very nice, Madlax child (or parent... hard to tell the difference between posts from children and parents of Madlax). But Long Island is well aware of how old all of your players are. You can stop bragging about it now. When we go to Maryland, we know that our boys are playing up, a year at minimum, or even two years, depending upon the team. If we win, great. If we lose, no big deal, our boys just played up... kids from the grad years of 2023 and 2022. It's good for our boys. So we have nothing to lose by playing you guys.

You, on the other hand lose either way. If you beat Long Island teams... you are suppose to beat younger teams, in fact the older teams should win easily. But, that has never happened, has it?? So you lose. And, if you lose the games, then you suffer the shame of knowing that you have cheated a bunch of little kids, which still wasn't enough. REALLY embarrassing for you!

See, you lose either way. And we win either way. Understand now??

I will type REALLY SLOWLY so that you understand things.

1. College recruiters care about grade, not age, so while you'll still be crying about holdbacks in HS, all of our kids will be committed and your sons will be driving cabs.

2. The new middie is not 14 or 15. That would mean he would be 19 as a HS senior and ineligible to play, so obviously he's not 14, let alone 15.

3. You are mistaking us with Baltimore schools. Here in DC, kids in private kindergarten are 4 or 5, not 6.

Let me me guess - you must be from Huntington. LOL.

“That would mean he would be 19 as a HS senior and ineligible to play”. Love that quote from you. Perfect example of how REALLY dumb these Madlax comments are. Age19 as a senior just means he was a holdback one year. So what you are saying is no holdbacks are allowed to play their senior year in HS. Hello?! You are an imbecile.

No response from the Madlax poster on this? There isn’t a single post by this person that is accurate. Go back to the MD board, or did they ban you? I see that they don’t take kindly to your dumb posts there, either.

Yes and it’s all over both the ‘23 and ‘24 MD boards about how DC private schools, where all of the Madlax players come from, begin kindergarten at 6, not 5. Check it out. Which makes basically all of their players a holdback. The guy is right about one thing. Madlax does the holdback game better than anyone. Still puzzles me though, why they are not a whole lot better than what they are.