Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Yeah the “turmoil” middie and the parents were part of the dismantling. TAZ will prosper without that poison

Wow that’s a little harsh. Calling a 12 year old child poison. He happens to be a very nice child and talented athlete. Not having your best player is certainly going to hurt. And the Taz scores bare that out. I don’t think anyone would argue, Taz has taken a big step backward this year, in no small part because you lost your “poison”.
that boy is nice and a good player . I assume the poison comment was was not meant for him
. It is prob. Meant for the adults who keep putting the team down they left.

Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Yeah the “turmoil” middie and the parents were part of the dismantling. TAZ will prosper without that poison

Wow that’s a little harsh. Calling a 12 year old child poison. He happens to be a very nice child and talented athlete. Not having your best player is certainly going to hurt. And the Taz scores bare that out. I don’t think anyone would argue, Taz has taken a big step backward this year, in no small part because you lost your “poison”.
that boy is nice and a good player . I assume the poison comment was was not meant for him
. It is prob. Meant for the adults who keep putting the team down they left.

Take the hate and move on whatever team you are from. There is no need for that. All kids from WP Taz Express Igloo all get along great also rooting for each other whenever they play the md teams which has been seen on several occasions. The parents for the most part appear to get along as well. Worry about your own teams, be excited for the boys and the experience and keep the negative comments to yourselves. My bet is it is 2-3 ppl on this board that stir the pot and pretend to be who they are not. Good luck to all the Long Island Teams

100% accurate. All of the kids and parents of the top LI teams are very friendly toward each other, if not outright close friends. We really do have a great group of families here, and it makes the for some memories that we will cherish for a life time. If my kids team doesn't make the championship, then we are all cheering for the LI team! LI STRONG!

Now this is what the game should be about!
- a Westchester Parent!