Originally Posted by Anonymous

Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous

Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
And once again Chan pulls a fast one. He sends the 2025 home so that his 2024 team can take there place in the semi-finals (that his 2024 team did not make it into).This guy is such a snake!!!!!!

Actually thats not true. Schwalje made it into the playoffs. Its Express North who did not. By Chan forfeiting he ensured Schwalje would first come up against Igloo instead of Taz in playoff round, and would be then pretty much guaranteed to make it to the final championship game against Taz.
If Chan had not forfeited then Schwalje would have played Taz in playoffs and Chan would havr played Igloo.
Schwalje already lost to Taz in first game, and Chan only tied Igloo in their second game. Therefore thde re was a risk then Express could not make it to championship if Chan didnt forfeit and change who Schwalje played first.
Strategic move. But Schwalje was defenitely going to be in playoffs either way.
Chan gave their spot two 2024 express. Fact . They did not make the playoffs. It is the absolute truth. Either way would rather see those teams play each other anyway . Better games and competition. Got d win

What happened to Taz in championship? Guessing they ran out of gas. I didn’t see the game, but based on their very limited depth, I’m willing to bet that’s what happened.

Actually one of their parents told me their extreme holdback missed game one. He essentially won the championship game for them. Creates their whole offense. Great player. Turning 14 soon they said

You’re referring to Express correct? Heard they were missing holdback for first game. Didn’t know he made second game.

Ha! That explains alot. Kid ran the entire offense in the final. Without him it was just turnovers and goalie catch. Guess Chan didn't have a lot of faith in Shwalee...had to bring in a ringer. Where was this kid last year?