Originally Posted by Anonymous
[quote=Anonymous]So far as we are about 3 weeks into the club season I was hoping we can have an educated debate on the top 10 teams on the island.
Top 3 are clearly Thorn, TG Black and Igloo....no real debate there. Not sure order although igloo did beat thorn in a close game so guess Igloo/TG Black are 1A and 1B and Thorn is a close 3rd
4/5 Legacy or Jesters.... Legacy played better comp so give them the 4 spot
6/7 Elevate and Wright/YJ B.... this wud be a close game
8 Liberty Black...not sure who they played this yr
9/10 Empire/Bandits and whoever else round out the top 10
Am I missing anyone
Does TG Black play Igloo or Thorn this year??? Instead of traveling they should have a league w/ TG, Igloo, Thorn, Legacy, Jesters, Elevate and YJ B

IMO the top3 are accurate. Those 3 teams have a chance to play each other at the Nationals if all the clubs attend or the Hofstra Tournament at the end of July. Jesters have beaten Legacy so they get the nod. Elevate is ok. Wright needs to challenge the team putting them in more competitive brackets to see where they stand. The rest who really knows they don't enter competitive tournaments.

If LI was to do what Maryland does w/ a club spring league it would go like this
Division A Division B
Igloo YJ Wright
TG Black TG Purple
YJ Thorn Bandits
Legacy Blue Empire Suffolk
Jesters Empire Nassau
Liberty Black fl$
Elevate 91 Extreme

Why not do this???; apologize if I am missing a program or two; maybe YJ wright can play w/ the A but safe to say nobody else in the B could.