Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
[quote=Anonymous]You people are a joke. YJ lost to both TG and Igloo by one goal at NATIONALS. Not bad for a team that's falling apart. What does it say about the other two teams. Not to mention TG stalled the last 8 minutes of the game. TG is so much better of a team yet you had to stall. Maybe because you're reject was getting schooled at the faceoff circle at the end of the game. You wish YJ would go away. Then you wouldn't have to explain why your kid didn't make the team or explain to everybody how you're better than the team that people recognize first. You have to explain to them who you are ... people already know who YJ is. You're the stepsister of Long Island. Simply put you're a generic. Be happy YJ beat you at Horstra in a different color jersey. This way you can deny it like you do every other time you lose. Next time put those stupid Green Hornet pennies on so you won't have to lie. Remember we're already in the building and you're just on the guest list.

Being 4th best on Long Island sucks. Since you brought up Hofstra didn't you lose to Empire?

NOBODY cares, it's 3 years before a college coach looks at your kid, you're all wasting your time and money

Actually, they will begin watching next summer.