Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
[quote=Anonymous]It's a recap of the last 2 seasons you basic cable dweller Just a quick correction, YJ beat Igloo 2x's in 2016. I'm not use about 2015. You could be correct but I don't know for sure. So Igloo and Top Gun both won 1 goal games this year....Close games . If that means YJ sucks in your trailer park mentality then God Bless. You are 1 goal better than the team that sucks beyond words. If we are going on ONLY 2017 because you are so recent and relavant, then Igloo won the Nationals . They are the best of 2017.. End of story .. But I'm sure you will respond with some witty factoid on how TG is the best team on Long Island and you also have a 12 inch dk. Go kill yourself because it's so over done. Now go get your shine box son

YJ 0-3 vs Igloo and TG.

And TD 3-1 Against Igloo most recently beating them by 3. Are you really as dumb as you seem. TG won both championships they played against Igloo. Why would this even be a question?

Who beat who is irrelevant, none of it matters past the whistle at the end of the game. Even the Yankees are not dwelling on a game won or lost in 2015. Go ask your daughter if she is learning, feels she is being challenged/getting better, likes her teammates, gets what she needs from her coach. If she can answer those questions with a yes, it doesn't matter what her jersey has printed on it.
The grass isn't greener, you don't get these years with your daughter back. Enjoy the ride, and more important, make sure SHE is.

Irrelevant to the losers maybe. The grass got way greener after we escaped toxic YJ. That drama is enough to get a girl to hate the sport and quit.