Whether or not there is collusion doesn't negate the fact that a grade based system allows parents to play their older children against younger children whose parents for whatever reason chose to keep their kids in the grade based on when they were born. Do prefirst if you have the financial means, hold your kid back, whatever, but don't say that a difference of a year (and oftentimes more depending on the birthdate) doesn't make a difference. After soccer changed age dates, my child is now the oldest on his team. While he was always good, he's now one of the best. Previously the boys with August-December birthdays were usually the best kids. So we're talking a few months here with soccer - imagine what a year or more does in lacrosse. But it's the system we currently have. And while you can always play up, and it used to be a sign of a great athlete to do that, the parents who chose prefirst/reclass generally don't play their kids up a grade by actually playing them on age.