Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Kind of agree with everything being said. If someone is telling you their kid has a full ride it is probably untrue.

Lax does help kids get in but you have to be in the ballpark for admission standards because the coach only has so much pull with admissions. Lax isn’t exactly a priority at many of these school admission officers. A little different for football and basketball. Then there are schools like MIT where athletics really doesn’t help you at all

But as a wise person once said, use lacrosse to help you; don’t let lacrosse use you. So many kids opt to make lacrosse decisions rather than academic decisions but maybe that’s their priority

Top academic and lacrosse school, team captain, and All-conference player got 30 percent. Translates to about 20k. Still a whole bunch of money not covered
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
The entire objective of lacrosse is to get into a school that you would normally never be able to get into there is no money in lacrosse just a great education , if you happen to play at the school that is a bonus .

If a kid has no chance of getting in, lacrosse is going to. You have to at least be close to the entry requirements, if you think a c student is getting into any of the top schools because of lax you're very misguided.

It’s is very common for lacrosse to help get into any school. Every coach ask for unofficial transcripts for tow reasons. The first is to see if they can get your son through the admission process and the second of which is to give a ballpark estimate for an academic scholarship. Obviously, this is for most of the kids. 4 and 5 star athletes I would think is different.

Remember 12.6 for D1, 10.8 for D2, and no athletic money for D3. So hypothetically in the case of D1, spreading out 12.6 scholarships equates loosely to 12-15k per player for a roster of 50.

If your kid doesnt have the academics for ND or Duke lacrosse isnt getting him in unless he is very close to the admissions standards. He also isnt getting any academic money so his lax scholarship will cover about 15 percent of the tuition, at ND thats going to leave you with about 40k a year in tuition to pay.
Sign me up for that deal. What I learned this year, there are a few full rides out there, a few. There are some interesting deals out there. Ohio State giving NIL money to all student athletes and lacrosse can def get you in to a school you normally wouldnt….of course getting in to a top school these days requires insane stats but lacrosse categorically can get you in. My son was told by one Ivy, they are the only Ivy that could get him in. C’s are where coaches want you to be special. B’s they love and can work with.

There is no NIL money for lacrosse, it's a public site that shows exactly how much each student/athlete gets and lacrosse has none.

Ok, so thats not even close to true. Fact- NIL money includes the free breakfast you get at the local joint for posting on IG all the way to what Spallina is doing with Gait at Syracuse. Had these conversations with coaches through out the recruiting process. Are you retiring on anything to do with lacrosse other than your network, nope.

Supporting evidence (much better than simply stating nonsense) https://www.usalaxmagazine.com/high...-in-position-to-capitalize-on-his-talent