Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
yes since most of us are on B teams what are the top 5 2023 B teams.

Outlaws Black
True Blue
Empire Green
Express Channy

Yes, much more going on with b teams. A teams get the headlines but lots of other stuff going on. Plenty of teams with good pieces in place. We'll see how much movement happens.
-A lot of talk about recon, but is it just them trying to get their name out there?
-Empire green keep building or lose kids?
-outlaws black add some more pieces?
-ditto legacy?
-e3 keep growing?
-will icon put the pieces together?
-Express Channy put together a team to win or make $?
-express white find some offense instead of filling wallets?
-bluefish withstand building years?

Kids leaving, kids staying. Good luck at tryouts.