[quote=Anonymous]Again.......only 1 goal differential.....not too impressive if I were the Outlaws. If it was "pre-season" then it was for both teams. What happened the rest of the summer was/is out of the team's control. Kids just play the games they are enotered in and do their best, try to grow and get better. It's pathetic parents such as yourself that put the kids/organization down to make themselves feel better......GOOD JOB!!
Again .......YOU......LOST......
get over it the game is over. You can make up as many excuses as you want, the grass was to long, the goal nets had a hole, it was a sunny day, it was hot..... as long as empire plays down the team will never be considered to be a good travel team just an average B team. Good luck at your next tournament, have some fun and enjoy your summer.