Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
The bracket at PrideFest was 2023/2022 NOT 2023 only - so there were kids that were 2022 on that team. Recon coaches didn't tell their parents that, so many were upset when they played Hitmen who were mostly 2022. But again it was a 2023/2022 bracket.

Recon coaches told all the parents that it was a 2022/23 bracket multiple times at practices. Unfortunately, Hitmen did what they always do and play older kids. I saw four boys on that team that are going into 8th grade (2021). I know cause they had been on my older sons team a couple of years back. Hitmen are known to sandbag since they started their club a couple of years back.

It's funny I have two sons one on the 2020 (hes 2021) and the 2022 team. He's the only 2021 player on the 2020 team. The 2020 team has 22 kids - 20 of them are 2022 and two are 2023. So I'm not sure which 4 2021 kids you saw there.

I've been with them since they started 6 years ago. We've never played down. In fact our 2022 team scrimmaged your 2020/2021 B team because they felt you guys weren't strong enough to play us. We beat that team and they had about 30 kids on it.

It sounds like you are upset we beat you handily in the championship game. Even with that we passed the ball around for the last 20 minutes of the game and stopped taking faceoffs. It's frustrating to be on the losing side our 2022 team last year was very very weak, but we got some very good talent that put us in the B+/A- range this year. There's no need to spread false rumors. You have a nice 2023 team but going up against a strong 2022 team results in what happened.

Trust me if our older kids played you it would have been even worse. Both the 2021/2020 and 2022 team finished in second out of about 18 teams at Hershey this past weekend.

I'm good friends with Harry, he doesn't stand for this type of behavior and false rumor spreading. Hitmen and Recon scrimmage a lot and help each other out. I'll be forwarding this to him.