Originally Posted by Anonymous
Do you really wake up every day at 5 am, waiting to write anonymous posts railing against kids who have repeated a grade?

You realize that college coaches couldn't care less, right? Whatever helps you get through the day.

Not sure how I was "railing against kids" pointing out birthdays is really not a big deal, everyone has one😝 to me it is super silly to play down. I am of the thought that if you are good enough you play up. I also would be super worried if my kid looked like a stud at this age and he was older, because you don't know if they look like a stud because they are older, or are they really a stud. I guess time will tell. If your only goal is to be recruited at an early age then holding back your son sounds like a great idea. However, I want my son to be recruited later, so he really knows how he will fit into a team. I also put lots of emphasis on my son getting top grades and repeating a grade doesn't fit with that.