Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Gg1j18
And he should take heat

It takes a high level of hubris to make a statement like
Is it safe to say he runs with a short bench and som kids do not see the field
Tender age they are at - youth coaching is about more than wins
You are molding young kids and teaching them lessons far reaching what happens on the field

Some will be all in and as pointed out above and drink the kool aid
And some will be gone after this season

I like that. Put in the effort and you get to play. Don't put in the effort and you don't get to play. Like it or not, thats life. It is a good life lesson. No participation trophies. Work hard and earn it, or don't and you can sit on the sideline and [lacrosse] about it with the other people who didn't. If my kid doesn't play, we both know why. We know it's not the coaches fault. No surprises. No drama. Either work harder or don't. As parents we do the same thing with academics as well as other activities. It's not about teaching them lacrosse. Lacrosse is a sport. It is about teaching them to work hard at whatever is important to them. I could give a [lacrosse] about any sport, lacrosse included, beyond their educational value as a learning tool for life's lessons; hard work, teamwork and working towards a goal.

Best response i've ever read on this site.