Originally Posted by Anonymous
Not sure how to present a topic of conversation that has been discussed so many times on so many levels but call it an epiphany I finally see the light that is PAL lacrosse and how much of a joke they make of it.
Preach all you want about coaches volunteering time, blah blah blah. I know nothing about the game but I will volunteer if it means my son will play over 80% of the time at a position he is not comfortable with at this stage of his ability.
PAL rule, no child in first or second grade will be allowed to play up, false, if you are a coaches son.
Negativity surrounds the bench, parents always putting the good players down.
Don't tell me it's about the kids when it is clear as day that you have blinders on because you can't coach a practice while looking at your phone for most of it.
Lead by example or move over for someone that will.
Put your ego on hold and do the "right thing" for the kids.

Don't know what Town you are in, but I am plenty happy (and more importantly my kid is happy) with our PAL. And honestly all of the kids are learning positions, so why would the be comfortable? Sounds like you need to focus on working with your kid. No disrespect intended, but if you spend 15 minutes over two or three days going over what he is uncomfortable with, it would go a long way.