Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Makes no sense. Geese lost 3 games all year. Thats a good year. Blast lost to Manhasset 32 twice. Should Blast players be looking to switch to Manhasset 32? If I was the Geese coach I'd be looking to see who tried out for Blast so I'd know who to get rid of. No sense putting time into a kid who's going to leave you. Best middies? Who cares, they're 8 and 9 years old. I'd be more impressed if they can put on their cleats without help.

Plus, if you look at the number of players on Crush or Bandits, you'll see that there will be fat trimmed from Blast. Probably a lot of trimming. That's not going to leave a whole lot of room for turnover. Good news - the practice pinnie and shorts from tryouts are yours to keep regardless. Best of luck.

Don't forget, they get to meet the NY LIARDS COACH laugh laugh

There two ways to look at it. Every team wants to win and some do it with the full team and shorten the bench at crunch, which I think is fine. And some approach it to win at all cost and kids don't play. That bothers me, but the coaches are transparent about it, so you can't knock them. Point is, learn what you can before you choose a team and find the best situation.