Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
How is a 2029 parent allowed to referee in the 2029 NGLL games of the same exact league where their daughters compete? Do we really not have regulations to control for this? John Brock, parent of twins on 2029 M&D black, was the referee for the Coppermine black vs Skywalkers game today. At least 2 girls from M&D black 2029 last year now play for skywalkers. This is not just an issue of bias but intimidation can come into play in situations like this as well. Does the NGLl not have regulations to control for this?

What other games has he reffed for in our league?

Same thing happening at the 2028 level. Reffing games against team that had previously cut the daughter. Not sure why this would be allowed when there are so many NGLL games happening across age levels.

This kind of thing should not be allowed. Is a parent really allowed to ref a game within their own child’s league? I think this calls all results into question if this is allowed.

That’s ridiculous. The results of that game would be no different with another referee.