
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
MM reading this and laughing all the way to the bank! No risk of losing his McMansion, rental property, new boat or Hayfields membership now that he’ll have 2 players with the same last name coaching clinics and showcases. His bank account and head just keep getting bigger.

Unlike most people in this country, he had a well defined long term plan, and he has already forced it about 90% of the way into existence. The "at what cost" question is a solid one, as I'm sure his sons aren't and won't be close friends with dad as they age. But he made them performers, and ultimately he might make them millionaires as well.

And based upon the few people willing to associate with him, I'm 100% sure MM doesn't do "friends" anyway.

Millionaires!? Yes. So many lacrosse athletes that are millionaires. Professional cornhole players make more than lacrosse athletes.


Try to keep up, Public School Dad. I'm hardly a Millon fan but Mark Millon's net worth is between $5M - 10M and his various entities (Millon Events, Millon Camps, 91MD, and who knows what else, with partnerships with ECD, etc) bring him in a pre-tax pay day of over $500K/year. Clearly he has well-vetted long term plans to bring his sons into the business, and in fact they'll be the center piece of his businesses in just 5 years.

And if Mark Millon passed away today, yes, his sons would be millionaires by the end of the week, without lifting a finger.

Even without this obvious head start, if you had been around enough prep school athletes, you'd know that the median prep lax player comes from an average $350K family income household, will probably attend a high-academic college (whether he plays or not), and will gravitate towards fields like finance, accounting, and sports management where, yes, by age 40-50, they will be millionaires, if just based on real estate and their 401k.

So, yes, the Millon Boys will soon be millionaires, even if your fellow Montgomery Blair HS grads detest to see it.