Yes, if your kid is that top 1% (or let's say 5%) he will be found and coveted and club teams will make room for him. But if your kid is like most, a really good lacrosse player, you need to be on a "good, name" team. How do you think you get the invite to Philly Showcase and Showtime? Your club coach, who also makes all the intro's to college coaches. My kid was on a relatively unknown new club (that wasn't over an hour drive for practice) that had some talent (four kids went on to D1, a bunch to quality D2/3) but not a one got an invite to a "quality" recruiting event until our team disbanded and the kids went to more name brand clubs. And as a previous poster mentioned, breaking into a club after they have been together for many years is not as easy as it sounds. A few of our kids couldn't bump any established players even though they were better, just not that much better for a club owner to tell a family that has been paying them thousands over the years to go find a new home.