Originally Posted by Anonymous
Doesn't TG have their own forum? Not a TG basher, just don't need to see or hear about TG on a YJ forum. If I wanted to see or hear about TG, should be able to go a TG forum. As for commits go, different strokes for different folks. What gets lost in the whole thing is.....It's not about the parent, it's about the kid!! Every kid should ask themselves, "If it were not for lacrosse, would I even consider this school?" Not ever kid is a D1 athlete. And, not every kid is an Ivy. Yet, too many crazies bash their choice. There remains so many great opportunities for average to above average student athletes to play in college. Figure out what school your kid might be interested and go to their camp. Make sure your kid takes the lead. College coaches don't want to hear from crazy parents.
As to your first point , Just as many YJ parents are talking on the YJ thread about TG (and every other girls thread) as TG parents. You wold have to stop your own clubmates from spreading Yelliw point among all threads before you complain about TG parents.