Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Looney's moms are extra greasy.

Even though I do not have a dog in this "discussion", it is really disgusting to hear how people attack others and especially kids mothers. I have no affiliation with Looney's, other than hearing about them on this board, but I can bet you this.
I bet your 275 pound juiced up wife would love to entertain all of your friends when you are out of the house. But, only problem, when other men see her they run, as fast and far as they can. How does that make you feel, dbag? She can't even make it as a street "walker".
Yes, I know this is really lowering the bar, but crac*heads like this really need to be put in their place. This board is for discussing lacrosse, not attacking kids mothers or fathers. Totally disgusting. Really hope the moderators post this.

Is disgusted by the attacks on women; proceeds to attack some other dude's woman.

I believe that person/poster was trying to make a point, directing the disgusting comments about kids mothers back at him, seeing how he liked it. I find it offensive to degrade kids mothers but it seems like several have no problem with it.

thanks for your analysis......................snowflake

Anytime. I realize you do not understand the contents of these posts, seems like basic grammar is way over your head, so you revert to using terms like snowflake. Really juvenile to say the least. Now, run along and get back to your coloring book, remember try to stay within the lines, that seems like the only thing you can handle and partially understand.

Criticizes someone for basic grammar skills and questions the intelligence of another. Makes multiple punctuation errors in post.