Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
We passed on the Crabs tournament because the fields they use are a disgrace. Like 2.5K entry to play on a uneven field and God forbid if it rains. Then they move the finals to the private school turf fields and wish all the teams who don't make the playoff round a regretful goodbye with no money back. Our tournament director begged us to go but there are better alternatives.

Sorry you weren't invited. To try to finish either Crab Feast or Young Guns in terms of competition and how they handled the rain last year is laughable. While the other tournaments in the area canceled the Sunday games last year, on short notice RM secured turf fields at all the Baltimore privates to play the playoffs. Obviously your team didn't make the playoffs so you are butt hurt that you didn't get your fourth game of getting your asses kicked.

Find me another tournament that is able to do what they did to allow the tournament to get completed.

I am not a Crab fan at all but this sounds like them doing what is best for the tournament. This guy should not try so hard to find something wrong with the Crabs and there owner. Just wait they will do something else clearly shady any day now.