Level 1 Coaches ClinicDate : February 3rd, 2013
Location : Poly Prep
Coaches can still pre-register at :
http://www.uslacrosse.org/TopNav2Ri...PInstructionalClinics/Level1Clinics.aspx Cost is $70.00. Deadline has been extended to January 30th, 5:00pm Eastern time. Walk-in registration is $85.00. Checks should be made payable to US Lacrosse.
Everyone attending needs to bring their own stick and be prepared to participate outside or inside when the trainers conduct the field portion of the session.
There will be a women’s game trainer and men’s game trainer speaking and instructing; all are certified trainers/coaches by US Lacrosse.
There will be materials to take home for all participants.
Lunch will be served.
Water provided by Doc’s NYC Lacrosse.