Sorry for taking a left turn about this on the 'Boys 2017' thread. Also trying to tie together the 'Player Passes - what's your view' and the 'Advancement in Player Passes'.
The goal is to police player traffic for safety and fair competition, right?
Actually, the "policing" of passes is done by the referees association on the field and tournament coordinators at the point of roster certification for a tournament. The US Lacrosse role in this exercise should be to provide the "licensing" function for players and coaches while also providing "sanctioning" for tournaments maintaining specific national standards.
IMO, this only applies to YOUTH tournaments. US Lacrosse takes this all the way to U19. Structured, photo ID, Player Passes is the only way. Since US Lacrosse has promoted itself as the governing body of YOUTH lacrosse, it is their responsibility to get this done.
The definition of "youth" can certainly vary, however coverage through the High School Senior Year should be included. If the national body felt that better progress could be made by just attacking this issue at the U/15 level and below, we would certainly be all ears for that step forward.
US Lacrosse must mandate and include a Player Pass as part of their membership. They've hooked us all in for insurance coverage purposes so now they need to include the Player Pass as parts of it's service.
The problem is HIGH SCHOOL tournaments are where the college coaches are going to do their recruiting. They simply do not have the time or resources to travel everywhere. HIGH SCHOOL has to be grade based because that is how college recruiting classes work.
Disagree with this point that High School recruiting has to be grade based. Using your own discussion points, if High School showcase teams are not "pass" based, there will be a mixing of age groups within a given showcase team; hence, why should grade alignments matter?
Second, USYSA and Youth Soccer have clearly shown that national and regional recruiting can easily handle the U/age system.
Any ideas on how to bridge the gap between YOUTH and HIGH SCHOOL?
Perhaps the player pass system should be for U/9-U/15 and then High School only?