Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Is it worth paying $15-30k a year on high school to end up playing at the same college as a public school player? Is it a Baltimore status thing?

All depends, The first three questions any Baltimoron asks is

1. What school do your kids go to, answer Better be a top private that costs 15-30.
2. Where do you live , answer Better be a good area, Ruxton, Balt County ( Good Parts) , etc
3. What do you do , answer Some Professional.. Lawyer, Doctor, Business Owner, etc

After that , most private school moms and dads can tell if you qualify for further small talk.

So you need to answer a question with your own question. If you answered 2 or 3 wrong, doesnt matter about private. But if you answered 2 or 3 Right, well.....Do you want to join the Club or not. Public school will not get you at the table or playing at MD.

This all looked good until your last sentence. This is the biggest misconception and falsity that goes on the Maryland when discussing public vs private. Plenty of public schools kids go to Maryland and many other top 25 programs. The private school coaches do a great job in the Baltimore area convincing families you have to go private to go to a top D1 school. And the parent fomo is real in Maryland.

Your decision to go to private schools should be academic focused and lacrosse should be a secondary concern.

If your kid is on one of the top 3 club programs in Maryland. Is a starter and contributor, public vs. private has little impact on their college lacrosse placement.