Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
1 child tells a story to another child. By the time it gets to coach and parents it’s 100% accurate and true too!
Been watching this crop up time and time again on this page since it happened. Bottom line is no one here knows exactly what happened BUT his reputation and behavior prior (for years) makes it believable and that in itself is a shame. How could anyone want him as a coach for their daughter - with or without the classless comment.

Yes we do know. He called a player a piece of sh@t during the game. This was heard by spsg player who was standing right there. She immediately went to the ref who claimed he didn’t hear anything. During handshake lines, BR called the player classless. She asked in disbelief if he was really saying that. He said it again. The next day he lied about saying the first comment and altered what he said in handshake line.

Maryvale did no investigation, took BR at his word and yes they were told about all of his previous outbursts.
Don’t forget about the ongoing posts on his social media feed where he is trolling the same high school girl.
Which girl? The classless one?