Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Good luck to the 2026 FCA teams this summer. If your son is not in a top private school or a coaches favorite, don’t expect the coaches to look out for him and play him. They could care less about those kids. We went through it a few years ago with our son. It was extremely disheartening watching the team lose time and time again just because they continued playing their favorites for the entire game. Be prepared to spend a lot of extra money on camps and showcases.

Made it to championship bracket and took No. 2 team in country down to wirt. Sorry your son didn't get to pmay much, but the pLayers most likely to produce a win were out there for a reason

And how did that work out for you with going 1-3-1? Sounds like those kids “produced” a lot….of losses.

If you think wins and losses count for rising Juniors you clearly have no idea what is going on. FCA 2026 played very competitive games against 2 teams ranked in top 5 nationally. College coaches all down the sideline for those games. At this point it’s about playing well in front of the college coaches. They won a tough game at end of Saturday to get into championship bracket and got to play Team Ten (No. 2) next morning as a result. The boys who played got the opportunity to show. If your son didn't play I understand why you are upset but maybe move to a club (at this late time) to get him more looks? Pointing out that the team only won one game means nothing. At this stage its not about hardware it’s about showing out.

My kid doesn’t play for that team nor would I ever let him play for that coach ever again. He has a history of favoring certain kids. He’s always done it. I feel bad for the boys are not favorites especially during this summer of recruiting where everyone should be getting looks!