Originally Posted by Anonymous
Won one game the entire tournament.
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Good luck to the 2026 FCA teams this summer. If your son is not in a top private school or a coaches favorite, don’t expect the coaches to look out for him and play him. They could care less about those kids. We went through it a few years ago with our son. It was extremely disheartening watching the team lose time and time again just because they continued playing their favorites for the entire game. Be prepared to spend a lot of extra money on camps and showcases.

Made it to championship bracket and took No. 2 team in country down to wirt. Sorry your son didn't get to pmay much, but the pLayers most likely to produce a win were out there for a reason
LOL. Great one win they produced going 1-3-1 to make championship bracket. Pound that chest!!!