Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I keep seeing references to kids being older on here. What does older mean? 2028's should be 2009/2010 birthdays. Is the idea that there are 2008's playing or that there is a june 2009 kid who is not at the Sept 1 cutoff that is used in most sports?

I see the issue with a 2008 kid playing against a 2010 kid but I think the issue is overblown if an October 2009 ("on age") kid is playing against a June 2008 kid ("old"). If you think the 4-8 month difference is keeping Johnny from getting his Lax scholarship, I don't know what to tell you.

I also know for a fact that every team on the island has kids born before sept 2009.

Again, 2008 I get, but what is the cutoff here for "they are all older"??

One year is the difference. Not 8 or 10 months. For example. The holdback June kid born in 2008 vs. the non holdback kid born in June 2009. This isn't rocket science.

Correct me if I’m wrong, if a kid on 2028 team has a birthday June of 2009 he cannot play in World Series correct? They have cutoff at September 2009 correct?

The circuit tournament people have decided that June 2009 is on age lol. Why? Because money for their tournament.

Don’t be surprised when World Series changes to June 2009 also.
Your a real winner that will make them 14 and Correct me if I'm wrong this is the only on age 13 year old tournament.

I’ll correct you that kids born in June 2009 are 13 and not 14.

How can you be that slow?
The World Series June 28-July 1 2023 So if your birthday is June 2009 your 14. Someone dropped out of school. That’s why you’re on here wanting your slow son to play younger kids.