Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
This conversation is very fool. So if my child, who goes to a non-rich public HS, who has very good but not brainiac grades, and we make good but not great salaries (blue collar $ but probably nothing needs based here)…do I even bother to have her attempt to play lax in college? Lmao? Cause according to you experts she doesn’t sound like she has a chance! I’m not sure why I stop by to read. Every few pages I find something worthy.

I think the comments above were in response to the posts re why do a lot of prep school kids get recruited, and the nefarious theory that coaches like rich families. The responses were theories why kids from prep schools were actually recruited. You shouldn’t take that as an inference that a public HS kid with modest family income can’t get recruited. Stay focused on your daughter and her needs and don’t read into all of this discussion. Kids from all over get recruited.

Honestly, all of this started because someone said that kids from the "B" teams of YJ and MD were being recruited due to "diversity" over more deserving athletes. Just go to M&D to see who the poster is referring to.

The person changed it to "economic diversity", which made no sense in the context of the posters original statement. I asked hotw did one ascertain "economic diversity" from a photo of a recruit and the thread went down this rabbit hole.

What I was trying to point out was the poster who asserted that "B" team athletes were being recruited and taking spots from more deserving athletes, was making the same argument that Black people hear when folks talk about Black students taking spots from more deserving students to get into a university. In essence, it is a terrible argument. Coaches take people that they believe will enhance their teams and who they believe they can develop. Period. Work with your athlete to find her a home. Good luck.

If you don't think, in the world we live in, recruiting diversity isn't important, you have your head in the sand! (This is not meant to be negative)

If you are saying the recruited athletes that were called B teamers are somehow undeserving of their spots, then I think you have your head in the sand. You are diminishing their skill and athleticism sand asserting that someone who did not receive the spot is better. Obviously, the coach who is recruiting disagrees.

No, saying that if equal talent, diversity will matter!