Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
My daughter was invited to play in the Juniors Open on July 5th-7th. Before we spend any money on it and have her missing club team practices, does anyone have any insight into the event and whether there would be any value in it for a 2025?

I think the girls get better value attending a prospect ID rather than a showcase at the 2025 age. I don't think any of the colleges are looking at 2025 kids if there are 2024s there this summer.

Full disclosure, my daughter is attending AS and UA 150 so I love throwing money away. But I know it will be nothing more than her getting more experience against good players.

The only other thing i will throw out, is 2024 is notoriously a down year in the perception of the college coaches i have spoken with... so there may be opportunity for 2025s to be seen at events like this. But just like most other events you have to weigh the cost to exposure balance. My daughter is signed up, but approaching it more as another chance to compete against top talent rather than as an event she hopes to "be seen."... if the latter is the byproduct, all the better.

How many college coaches have you actually “spoken with” with that “perception”? This sounds like a 25 LI parent on a certain LI 2025 team that thinks they are all superstars and better than every 24!!! ??? Not! Maybe you have access to a certain LI coach due to your team affiliation?