Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Which team is better Legacy or Jesters ?

I'd say about the same. If your daughter is a starter, I would say Jesters. If your daughter is bottom of roster, legacy, because they play everyone even.

Don't forget Jesters didn't develop this team. They hijacked it from 91 with some political moves. Now they are switching coaches again. Sounds like a bad game away from another Jesters melt down.

didnt that 91 team got to yjs not jesters ?

They were a much stronger group a few years ago when they were with 91, then a few of their top girls left for YJ. They seemed to slowly but surely get considerably weaker as the entire 91 girls side of the organization crumbled a few years ago. One of the dad coaches pulled the group together and carried them over to the Jesters last year. I don’t think most were happy with the arrangements with Jesters and were hoping for much more. 91 girls are back, so.. does that mean this 2025 team will be returning?

Someone should write a memoir about that 91 team, went from top 5 in the country to non-existent in the span of a few months. None of them will return to 91, it's just bandits with corporate rebranding, and Carol rose wins again....

Not sure the details of the merger but it seems like bandits has taken over.