Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Looked over the list of girls participating in the ID event and there are ZERO committed Boston College recruits. i know for sure 2 of those girls committed for 2023 are top 20 girls. odd

What is your point?

Top 20 according to who?

So what if there ZERO Boston College Commits? Who cares? Why do you care?

What is your point?

I thinkk the point is that it isn't all top and I believe there had to be coach submittting something on their behalf like an application ?? they all try to say they "picked" top... another event to to throw your money away

And there you have it…. It can’t possibly be an elite event (list, team, ranking etc… ) if someone’s daughter wasn’t recognized/included/selected etc…
Someone will always try to diminish…

Congratulations to all the players involved!

As for throwing money away, I have never understood why people care about how others choose to spend their money. If you want to talk about “odd” , I would say that concerning yourself with what others do with their money is pretty odd.

not really... just buyer beware... there is a lot of "elite events" out there... good luck to you

how many coaches were in attendance anyone know? were there a lot?