Well, there is a breakpoint between "better deals" and "good riddance". Player skill and parental pain are both factors. You may think your daughter is "god's gift" to lacrosse and the team, but the coaches see the deficiencies and how they affect the team as well...not listening, passing. There are too many girls that will get into the car and end up crying because they didn't shoot enough or score goals to satisfy Mom or Dad's fragile egos. All kids want to please their parents and that pressure causes many to do the wrong thing. Hurts the team and the coaches know it and the other parents see it and know it as well. "Go ... (insert name) shoot it, every team has them... Change eventually works for everyone...have at it.
What team or teams are you referring to?
As they say in poker - If you don’t know who the mark is, then it’s you!
Agreed! Unlike poker, we are not all seated at the same table. With multiple teams at this age group, at least 7-10 on LI alone, the author of the post could be referencing any of these teams......the author seems to know specific information about specific kids on a specific team......why make the post without mentioning the details? If not willing to include details then don't make the post.
If people posting here had to actually back up their comments with details or facts this thread would be like 2 pages long instead of 40. There's been nonsensical jabbering for a few months now about the four horsemen are leaving their current 2025 team (no details on which team they're actually from) to save another LI team (again, unclear which one or of it actually needs to be saved). People seem to think that "you know who you are" wink wink, nod nod passes for facts and if they're able to get a couple people who know even less about the situation to pile on it becomes gospel.
Can we come up with some new material for the new year people?