Originally Posted by Anonymous
91 already gave Express Terps a beat down and is clearly the better team, why would the 91 organization start a war in mid season by stealing a player in May? I really wonder if 91 smells blood in the water and is going in for the kill ? Is this a one time thing or is more to come?

A war??? Stealing a player?? Pretty sure he wasn't abducted in the middle of the night. That is such a typical comment from an idiot parent. The better questions are: how are all the players feeling about a new player walking on the team in May, after you all tried out, paid and have been playing for months together?? How are all the parents feeling about the coaches not having enough confidence in the current players that they took in a additional player now,and notsaid "little Johnny wait until next seasons tryouts to come join us"? Sounds like more completion at certain positions now that makes for some shorter playing time for others. How do the players on the B team feel not be asked to move up from their own organization to fill that spot? Or any others for that matter?? and BTW my son plays with Team LI and I know the kid in question. Not surprised.